Ode To Autumn Summary In English And Hindi by John Keats

आज के इस लेख में Ode To Autumn Summary In English And Hindi by John Keats के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे | आप सभी स्टूडेंट्स को Class 12 English 100 Marks Rainbow Part-02 के समरी को पोस्ट किया गया |

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Ode To Autumn Summary In English

This poem has been written by John Keats. He was a great lover of Nature and one of the greatest English pocts. He died at the age because of turberculosis.In this poem keats describes beauty and characteristic of autumn. In the First stanza. the sun and autumn are conspiring to bless with fruits and to swell the gourd.

In second stanza autumn is viewed as a woman and its presence is felt on the granary floor.In the third stanza the musical aspects of autumn is viewed. It can be heard in bleating of full grown lambs, songs of crickets and twittering of swallows in the sky.

आशा करते है की पोस्ट दी गयी जानकारी अच्छा लगा होगा और कुछ  मदद मिला होगा | यदि किसी प्रकार की शिकायत या गलत आंसर या क्वेश्चन है तो हमें कमेंट करे बताये हम अगले पोस्ट में उस कमी को Solve करने की कोशिश करेगे | स्टडी से Releated की प्रकार के क्वेश्चन के लिए गूगल पर Search करे bihariacademy.com

Ode To Autumn Summary In English And Hindi

Pattern BasedBihar Board, Patna
StreamArts (I.A.), Commerce (I.Com) & Science (I.Sc)
Article NameOde to autumn summary in english line by line
SubjectEnglish (100 Marks)
BookRainbow-XII | Part- II
CategoryBSEB Class 12 English Summary
Summary TypeShort Summary || 5 Marks
Chapter NameOde To Autumn
ScriptHindi And English Medium
Published OnBihari Academy

Updated: 07/10/2024 — 2:04 PM

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