Current Electricity Class 12 Notes
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Current Electricity Class 12 Notes Bihar Board PDF
61. Which of the following quantities remain the same in all parts of a series circuit ?
- (A) Voltage
- (B) Current
- (C) Power
- (D) Resistance
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(B) Current
62. A 40 W bulb is connected in series with a room heater. If now 40 W bulb is replaced by 100 W bulb, the heater output will
- (A) decrease
- (B) increase
- (C) remain Same
- (D) heater will burn out
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(B) increase
63. A 500 W, 220 V bulb is supplied with 110 V. Power consumption by the bulb will be
- (A) slightly less than 126 W
- (B) slightly greater than 125 W
- (C) exactly 125 W
- (D) 260 W
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(B) slightly greater than 125 W
64. In an electric kettle water boils in 10 minutes. It is required to boil the boiler in 15 minutes, using same supply mains
- (A) length of heating element should be decreased
- (B) length of heating element should be increased
- (C) length of heating element has no effect on heating if water
- (D) none of the above
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(A) length of heating element should be decreased
65. An electric filament bulb can be worked from
- (A) D.C. supply only
- (B) A.C. supply only
- (C) Battery supply only
- (D) All above
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(D) All above
66. Resistance of a material always decreases if
- (A) temperature of material is de-creased
- (B) temperature of material is in-creased,
- (C) number of free electrons available become more
- (D) none of the above is correct
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(C) number of free electrons available become more
67. Resistance of a tungsten lamp ---- as applied voltage increases
- (A) decreases
- (B) increases
- (C) remains same
- (D) none of the above
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(B) increases
68. Electric current passing through the circuit produces
- (A) magnetic effect
- (B) luminous effect
- (C) thermal effect, chemical effect
- (D) all above effects
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(D) all above effects
69. If the efficiency of a machine is to be high, what should be low ?
- (A) Input power
- (B) Losses
- (C) True component of power
- (D) kWh consumed
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(B) Losses
70. When electric current passes through a metallic conductor, its temperature rises This is due to
- (A) collisions between conduction elect-rons and atoms
- (B) the release of conduction electrons from parent atoms
- (C) mutual collisions between metal atoms
- (D) mutual collisions between conduct-ing electrons
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(A) collisions between conduction elect-rons and atoms
71. Two bulbs of 500 W and 200 W rated at 250 V will have resistance ratio as
- (A) 4 : 25
- (B) 25 : 4
- (C) 2 : 5
- (D) 5 : 2
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(C) 2 : 5
72. A glass rod when rubbed with silk cloth is charged because
- (A) it takes in proton
- (B) its atoms are removed
- (C) it gives away electrons
- (D) it gives away positive charge
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(C) it gives away electrons
73. Whether circuit may be A.C. or D.C. one, following is most effective in reducing the magnitude of the current.
- (A) Reactor
- (B) Capacitor
- (C) Inductor
- (D) Resistor
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(D) Resistor
74. It becomes more difficult to remove
- (A) any electron from the orbit
- (B) first electron from the orbit
- (C) second electron from the orbit
- (D) third electron from the orbit
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(D) third electron from the orbit
75. When one leg of parallel circuit is opened out the total current will
- (A) reduce
- (B) increase
- (C) decrease
- (D) become zero
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(C) decrease
76. In a lamp load when more than one lamp are switched on the total resistance of the load
- (A) increases
- (B) decreases
- (C) remains same
- (D) none of the above
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(B) decreases
77. Two lamps 100 W and 40 W are connected in series across 230 V (alternating). Which of the following statement is correct ?
- (A) 100 W lamp will glow brighter
- (B) 40 W lamp will glow brighter
- (C) Both lamps will glow equally bright
- (D) 40 W lamp will fuse
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(B) 40 W lamp will glow brighter
78. Resistance of 220 V, 100 W lamp will be
- (A) 4.84Ω
- (B) 48.4Ω
- (C) 484Ω
- (D) 4840Ω
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(C) 484Ω
79. In the case of direct current
- (A) magnitude and direction of current remains constant
- (B) magnitude and direction of current changes with time
- (C) magnitude of current changes with time
- (D) magnitude of current remains constant
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(A) magnitude and direction of current remains constant
80. When electric current passes through a bucket full of water, lot of bubblilig is observed. This suggests that the type of supply is
- (A) A.C
- (B) D.C
- (C) any of above two
- (D) none of the above
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(B) D.C
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