BSEB Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei MCQs In English Medium
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Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei MCQs In English
1. The constituents of nucleus are
- (A) electrons and protons
- (B) protons and neutrons
- (C) neutrons and electrons
- (D) electrons, protons and neutrons
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(B) protons and neutrons
2. The radius of a nucleus is
- (A) directly proportional to its mass number
- (B) inversely proportional to its atomic weight
- (C) directly proportional to the cube root of its mass number
- (D) None of these
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(C) directly proportional to the cube root of its mass number
3. In nuclear reactors, the control rods are made of
- (A) cadmium
- (B) graphite
- (C) krypton
- (D) plutonium
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(A) cadmium
4. The time in which radioactive substance become half of its intial amount is called
- (A) average life
- (B) half-life
- (C) time-period
- (D) decay constant
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(B) half-life
5. X-ray was discovered by
- (A) Becqueral
- (B) Marie curie
- (C) Roengton
- (D) Vanlaw
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(C) Roengton
6. Mass is converted into energy according to the relation
- (A) E = mc2
- (B) E = mgh
- (C) E = 1/2 mc2
- (D) E = mgh / c2
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(A) E = mc2
7. Who discovered heavy Hydrogen ?
- (A) Uray
- (B) Thomson
- (C) Mosley
- (D) Fermi
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(A) Uray
8. Which one of following is charge less?
- (A) Alpha particle
- (B) Beta particle
- (C) Photon particle
- (D) Proton
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(C) Photon particle
9. Which of the relations is correct for radioactive atom ?
- (A) Half-life = Average life
- (B) Half-life = 2 x Average life
- (C) Half-life = 1.6931 x Average life
- (D) Half-life = 0.6931 x Average life
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(D) Half-life = 0.6931 x Average life
10. For a nuclear fusion process, suitable nuclei are
- (A) any nuclei
- (B) heavy nuclei
- (C) lighter nuclei
- (D) nuclei lying in the middle of periodic table
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(C) lighter nuclei
11. The equivalent energy of 1 g of substance is
- (A) 9 x 1013 J
- (B) 6 x 1012 J
- (C) 3 x 1013 J
- (D) 6 x 1013 J
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(A) 9 x 1013
12. Which one of the following has maximum penetraing power
- (A) X-rays
- (B) cathode rays
- (C) α-rays
- (D) Y-rays
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(D) Y-rays
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BSEB Ncert Physics Class 12 Mcq | physics class 12 ncert chapters mcq in english
Pattern Based | Bihar Board, Patna |
Class | 12th |
Stream | Science (I.Sc) |
Subject Name | Physics |
Type Of Question | Objective Question || 01 Marks |
Script | Hindi And English Meadium |
Published On | Bihari Academy |
FAQ. Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei MCQs In English
Q1. How many electrons, protons and neutrons are there in a nucleus of atomic number 11 and mass number 24?
Ans:- The number of protons in the nucleus = atomic number, Z = 11 and the number of neutrons, N = A – Z = 24 -11 = 13. However, the nucleus does not contain electrons. Hence, the number of electrons in given nucleus = 0.
Q2. How is the radius of a nucleus related to its mass number?
Ans:- Radius of a nucleus, R = R0 [A]1/3, where R0 = 1.2 fm.
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