आज के इस लेख में India Through Travellers Eyes Summary In English के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे | आप सभी स्टूडेंट्स को Class 12 English 100 Marks Rainbow Part-02 के समरी को पोस्ट किया गया |
आप इस समरी को अच्छे से स्टडी करके अच्छे मार्क्स प्राप्त कर सकते है | इस वेबसाइट के बारे में अपने फ्रेंड्स से भी साझा करे धन्यवाद!
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India Through Travellers Eyes Summary In English
India Through a Traveller’s Eyes is an extract from my several worlds which is a personal record of her life. It shows her love for the poorest people living in Indian Villages. In this chapter pearls. The writer wrote a book “come, my beloved on her visit to india, Most Americans not appreciate it but her book is not a puzzlement to Indian readers.
In this extruct she had shown her love for the people of India and tired to show the feelings of Indian peole. Buck has described her visit to India. she says India had always been part of the background of her life. she had heard a lot more of India from her family doctor and his wife who were Indians she had also learnt Buddhism and the life story of lord Buddha.
The writer had come to India not to see the Taj Mahal, Fatehpursikri, or any historical places. Her mission was to see and listen to the young intellectuals of India cities and the peasants in the villages.
She found thousands of young intellectuals trained in English schools were jobless in India.The writer stayed with an Indian family in a village. Indians had great rewards for great men and women. she found deep devotion for Gandhiji among Indians. Indian people are religious minded. It had the best and worst both aspects.
आशा करते है की पोस्ट दी गयी जानकारी अच्छा लगा होगा और कुछ मदद मिला होगा | यदि किसी प्रकार की शिकायत या गलत आंसर या क्वेश्चन है तो हमें कमेंट करे बताये हम अगले पोस्ट में उस कमी को Solve करने की कोशिश करेगे | स्टडी से Releated की प्रकार के क्वेश्चन के लिए गूगल पर Search करे bihariacademy.com
summary of india through a traveller’s eye
Pattern Based | Bihar Board, Patna |
Class | 12th |
Article Name | india through traveller’s eye summary |
Stream | Arts (I.A.), Commerce (I.Com) & Science (I.Sc) |
Subject | English (100 Marks) |
Book | Rainbow-XII | Part- II |
Category | BSEB Class 12th English Summary |
Summary Type | Short Summary || 5 Marks |
Chapter Name | India Through Travellers Eyes |
Script | Hindi And English Medium |
Published On | Bihari Academy |