हमलोग A Pinch Of Snuff Objective PDF के बारे स्टडी करेगे | बोर्ड एग्जाम के लिए और अन्य स्टेट एग्जाम के लिए भी बहुत ही Important Objective Question पोस्ट किया गया है | आप सभी इस Objective Question को स्टडी करके अच्छे -अच्छे मार्क्स लाने की प्रयाश करे | और इस एजुकेशन साईट के बारे में दोस्त को बतेये | जैसा की आप जानते है कि आजकल बिहार बोर्ड Class 12th English Exam में बहुत ज्यादा Objective Questions पूछा जा रहा है
A Pinch Of Snuff Objective PDF
1. Who is coming to Delhi to see some minister?
- (A) Barkat Ali
- (B) Sohan Lal
- (C) Nanukaka
- (D) under-secretary
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(C) Nanukaka
2. In which season did Naņukaka visit Delhi?
- (A) winter
- (B) Autumn
- (C) Spring is
- (D) summer
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(D) summer
3. Nanukaka’ was installed in—
- (A) the guest room
- (B) the drawing room
- (C) author’s bedroom
- (D) the verandah
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(C) author’s bedroom
4. ‘A Pinch of Snuff’ is in fact a detailed character sketch of ………..
- (A) Sohan Lal
- (B) Nanukaka
- (C) Ratiram
- (D) Manohar Malgoankar
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(B) Nanukaka
5. Nanukaka was to stay for …………… days.
- (A) three or four days
- (B) two or three days
- (C) one month
- (D) 15 days
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(B) two or three days
6. Manohar Malgaonkar was the ……….. om Probation.
- (A) Secretary
- (B) Under Secretary
- (C) Joint Secretary
- (D) Chief Secretary
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(B) Under Secretary
7. Who was waiting on the platform when the train came in?
- (A) mother
- (B) narrator
- (C) minister
- (D) TC
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(B) narrator
A Pinch Of Snuff Objective Question Answer
8. Nanukaka managed to travel in 2nd Class on a ticket of …………..
- (A) 1st Class
- (B) 3rd Class
- (C) General Class
- (D) Sleeper Class
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(B) 3rd Class
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9. Nanukaka has to meet a minister in the …………..
- (A) North Block
- (B) South Block
- (C) West Block
- (D) East Block
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(A) North Block
10. The new role Nanukaka gave the narrator/under-secretary, was of …………..
- (A) Cook
- (B) Driver
- (C) Professor
- (D) Minister
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(B) Driver
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