How Free Is The Press ka Summary In English
आज के इस लेख में How Free Is The Press ka Summary In English And Hindi PDF Download के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करेगे | आप सभी स्टूडेंट्स को Class 12 English 100 Marks Rainbow Part-02 के समरी को पोस्ट किया गया |
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How Free Is The Press ka Summary In English
“How free is the press” has been written by Dorothy L. Sayers. she was born in 1893 in England she was one of the first women to gradute from oxfrod university. In this eassay she writes with clarity of thought to make a strong case against misreporting by the press or against the misuse of the freedom of the press.
According to sayers without a free press we can a imagine of free people. she pointed out that freedom of press is important feature of a democratic society. And the press is restricted in time of war. A free press can attack government policies and can expose corruptions. But press is misused. She says the press is not as free as it should be. Actually the press is chiefly controlled by two factors the advertisers and the owner of the press.
No newspapers dares to go against them. sometimes a press does not express the public opinion and it misrepresents the fect.At last she says that the danger to the freedom of the press does not come from the government. It comes from within the press.
आशा करते है की पोस्ट दी गयी जानकारी अच्छा लगा होगा और कुछ मदद मिला होगा | यदि किसी प्रकार की शिकायत या गलत आंसर या क्वेश्चन है तो हमें कमेंट करे बताये हम अगले पोस्ट में उस कमी को Solve करने की कोशिश करेगे | स्टडी से Releated की प्रकार के क्वेश्चन के लिए गूगल पर Search करे
How Free Is The Press Summary In English And Hindi
Pattern Based | Bihar Board, Patna |
Class | 12th |
Stream | Arts (I.A.), Commerce (I.Com) & Science (I.Sc) |
Article Name | How Free Is The Press Summary In Hindi |
Subject | English (100 Marks) |
Book | Rainbow-XII | Part- II |
Category | BSEB Class 12 English Summary |
Summary Type | Short Summary || 5 Marks |
Chapter Name | How Free Is The Press |
Script | Hindi And English Medium |
Published On | Bihari Academy |